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{ Puppy Advice }

Life without pets means doing anything you want, from going on holiday at short notice, or even staying out later than planned. Once you have a dog to look after, all this changes.A pup is for life - your life. Take a look at your lifestyle and the environment you live in. Firstly consider your house. A small house and garden is unlikely to make a good home for a big or active dog unless you have plenty of time and open spaces nearby for exercising.


The search for the right puppy needs to begin long before you ever get near a litter. Only after some serious soul-searching, detailed research and frank discussions with your family should you be tempted to consider bringing a pup home - a bit boring and lacking in spontaneity perhaps but packed full of anticipation with the assurance of many years of enjoyment to come.

Most experts now agree that a puppy den (a complete cage) or a puppy pen (an enclosure with open top and bottom) is essential. Toys of the right size are essential - choose some for your pup to play with when he is alone (such as food-filled toys or chew toys) and some he can play with you (tug toys). Buy a bed big enough to allow for your puppy's growth, and it might be worth avoiding either foam or wicker beds at least until they've grown out of their chewing stage. Water/food bowls should be either stainless steel or ceramic as they wash much easier and are more germ resistant than plastic bowls...


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